To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, federal law requires broker-dealer firms to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account.
What types of information will you need to provide?
For an individual, when you open an account or establish a relationship, we are required to collect information such as the following from you: Your name, date of birth, address, identification number: U.S. Citizen: taxpayer identification number (social security number or employer identification number) or Non-U.S. Citizen: taxpayer identification number, passport number, and country of issuance, alien identification card number, or government-issued identification showing nationality, residence, and a photograph of you. You may also need to show your driver’s license or other identifying documents.

For an entity, when an account is opened or a relationship is established, we are required to collect information such as the following from the entity: documents showing the existence of the entity, such as certified articles of incorporation, a government-issued business license, a
partnership agreement, or a trust instrument.

We may, under the following circumstances, rely on the performance by another financial institution (including an affiliate) of some or all the elements of our customer identification program with respect to any customer that is opening an account or has established an account
or similar business relationship with the other financial institution to provide or engage in services, dealings, or other financial transactions:

Such reliance is reasonable under the circumstances, when the other financial institution is subject to a rule implementing the anti-money laundering compliance program requirements and is regulated by a Federal functional regulator and when the other financial institution has entered into a contract with us requiring it to certify annually to us that it has implemented its anti-money
laundering program, and that it will perform (or its agent will perform) specified requirements of the customer identification program.


Notice of Privacy

This privacy notice complies with the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and federal regulations governing the privacy of financial information applicable to our clients.

Balanced Security Planning, Inc. Notice of Privacy
We are committed to providing our clients with quality service. While collecting information about you is essential to meet your needs, we recognize the importance of handling your personal information with care. Accordingly, we have established this Notice of Privacy and related

Confidentiality and Security of Your Information
We maintain appropriate physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect the security and confidentiality of your nonpublic personal information. We educate our employees about the terms of this Notice and the importance of customer privacy. We restrict access to nonpublic
personal information about you to those employees and others who need to know that information to provide services to you, to maintain your accounts, or conduct our business.

Information We Collect About You

Collecting information from you is essential to our ability to offer quality services. As part of that process, we may collect nonpublic information about you from the following sources:

  • Information we receive from you on applications and other forms;
  • Information about your transactions with us;
  • Based upon the services provided, information we receive from consumer reporting agencies, government agencies and from your agent banks and prime brokers where applicable; and
  • Information that is used to facilitate emails from you.

Categories of Information We Disclose and to Whom
We do not disclose any information about our clients or former clients to anyone, except as permitted or required by law. We may disclose the types of information listed below to companies that help us conduct our business, that perform administrative or others services on our behalf, or other financial institutions with which we now or may have joint marketing agreements:

  • Information we receive from you on applications and other forms, such as your name, address, Social Security number (if an individual), assets, income and beneficiaries;
  • Information about your transactions with us, or others; and
  • Information we receive from a consumer reporting agency, government agencies and from your agent banks and prime brokers where applicable, and from other sources, such as information concerning credit worthiness and history, and certain information requested pursuant to US Patriot Act anti-money laundering prevention rules and regulations.


Balanced Security Planning, Inc. (“BSP”), pursuant to Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. (“FINRA”) rules, has created a Business Continuity Plan, to address and guide our response to and recovery from Significant Business Disruptions (“SBDs”). Copies of this Summary Disclosure Statement shall be given to all clients at the time they open their accounts with BSP. BSP’s Business Continuity Plan is subject to modification. Clients may obtain updated summaries by requesting a written copy by mail or fax.

In all of the following scenarios, BSP plans to continue business and our planned recovery time, depending upon the time of occurrence, should not exceed 24 hours from the time of the declaration of the SBD. Staff, telephone calls, and e-mails will return to their original location upon full restoration of service.

Disruption to a single building or our Firm’s main office
If a disruption occurs at our main office located at 407 Teller Avenue, Newport Beach, CA 92660, we will move to an unaffected location. This location may be another of the Firm’s offices or the home office of Firm personnel.

Disruption to a business district
If a disruption occurs in our business district affecting our main office, we will move to an unaffected location. This location shall be outside the business district and may be another of the Firm’s offices or the home office of Firm personnel.

City-wide business disruption
If a disruption occurs in our city-wide area that affects our main office, we will move to an unaffected location. This location shall be outside the city-wide area and may be another of the Firm’s offices or the home office of Firm personnel.

Regional disruption
If a regional disruption occurs that affects our main office, we will move to an unaffected location. This location shall be outside the regional area and may be another of the Firm’s offices or the home office of Firm personnel.

BSP has also contracted with various entities to ensure that sensitive information is made redundant at back-up facilities. However, due to the nature of such information we do not disclose the specific location of any back-up facilities, any proprietary information contained in our Business Continuity Plan or the parties with whom we have back-up arrangements.

Please call us should you have any questions on 949-421-1694.

Thank you.
George Gopiao
Balanced Security Planning, Inc.


Dear Client or Investor:

SEC Rule 17a-3(a)(18) requires our Firm to maintain a record indicating that each client or investor has been provided with a notice containing the address to which you may transmit any inquiries that you may have respecting our Firm.

Additionally, our Firm must ensure that you are provided with a notice indicating the telephone number and the address at our Firm to which such inquiries may be directed.

Balanced Security Planning, Inc. hereby provides the following address and telephone number to which any customer inquiries may be directed:

Balanced Security Planning, Inc.
407 Teller Avenue
Newport Beach, CA 92660


As a member of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC) funds are available to meet customer claims up to a maximum of $500,000 in cash and securities, with a $250,000 cash maximum. This protection is provided by the Securities and Investors Protection Act, which is administered by SIPC and is subject to certain conditions and limitations, details of which are available upon request. For Information about SIPC, including a brochure, please contact SIPC at 202-371-8300, or visit


FINRA offers investors information through the FINRA BrokerCheck Hotline at 800-289-9999 and their website at Download an investor brochure that includes information describing FINRA BrokerCheck.


Reg NMS Rule 606 Annual Written Notice on Availability of Order Routing Information.

Quarterly Reports: Will identify the significant venues, as define in the rule, where orders were routed in listed equity securities and listed options, as well as order routing details. You may obtain the URL address to the public Web site or request a printed version by contacting Xtellus Capital Partners, Inc.

Investor Inquiry: You may request your specific order routing information in writing for the preceding six (6) months from the date of request. This will include the identity of the marketplace where the orders were routed for execution, whether the orders were directed or non-directed, and, if executed, the time of the execution. You may contact Xtellus Capital Partners, Inc. or additional details on the information that is available.
From time to time, Balanced Security Planning, Inc. may provide aggregated trade execution data to customers and prospective customers.